Why Falling Flat on My Face Last Year is the Best Thing That Ever Happened

Chelsea Raine
7 min readJan 5, 2020

And the lessons I learned on ditching my well laid plans in search of a higher purpose.

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

I admit it. I started last year off in denial about the the whole writing thing being my calling. Apparently I can be stubborn when it comes to taking the plunge into uncharted waters.

Now I know that when I’m scared to do something that really matters to me, I usually get very indecisive about what steps to take next. I am a wishy-washy Libra after all.

And I find myself trying to surmount what feels like an impossible learning curve, like surfing over a giant wave that’s destined to topple me over.

And that’s when I begin to lose traction and start procrastinating. Either that or I get distracted over something else.

In last year’s case, it was an expensive online course in how to be a freelance proofreader. Now I’m not ditching the course. It was a great course, but I paid for it knowing full well that I was letting my natural talents lay dormant while I pursued a path that was not at all aligned with the direction that I really needed to go in.

“Try any God damn thing you like, no matter how boringly normal or outrageous. If it works, fine. If it…



Chelsea Raine

Just a writer in search of the proverbial magic carpet ride, one word at a time