Evergreen Wish on a Winter Day

Chelsea Raine
2 min readJan 14, 2020
Photo by Nazar Sharafutdinov on Unsplash

I raise my eyes to the canopy of trees spiraling up above me, the gentle giants of the sky. And I am transported to that lofty place, far above the cares of humanity. I’m a shivering little bird in the deep recesses of winter, nestled safe in my treetop home.

And I know you hear me calling you, trilling your name in the very depths of my being.

And like the trees that you so long for, my love for you is evergreen. And how my little bird’s heart thumps wildly in its imprisonment, waiting for you to set me free through your touch alone.

I preen for you and the pleasure is real.

I’m mystified how sometimes you feel two thousand miles away from me and other times you are right there within me, in that quiet space in my mind. That private place that only you can reach.

And here you are again, tugging at my little careless heartstrings with your humor, your heat. And in the cold Northwest winter all I want is to feel the warmth you contain, close enough to burn my skin.

Your fire fills me with the mystery of the universe, the filtered sunlight of my soul. Your virility makes me shiver and come flapping my wings back for more. And my little bird’s pulse beats in frantic anticipation.

No more hibernating. Waking up as the snow thaws, coming alive again with the promise of Spring, and my little bird’s heart will fly into your arms once again.

What an illusion, because that’s where it’s been all along.



Chelsea Raine

Just a writer in search of the proverbial magic carpet ride, one word at a time